
German Topics

Everything Germany

German Topics blog thread will focus on everything in Germany. It will cover everything from leaders, news, comedy, popular places for tourists to travel to in Germany. To all of my German friends your country will be well represented on my blog. Probably the least talked about of the US ally is the US/German relationship. The US have a wonderful relationship with Germany and we are glad that they are our ally. Whenever I come up with topics like this, it's because it's important to understand the history with our allies. It's good to learn for personal knowledge even when it's not being taught that much in public schools. Bloggers and readers all comments are welcome on this blog! Be respectful if you agree or disagree. Spammers your comments will be removed so you're being told not spam. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!

Germany World Cup Champions 2014 Tribute

I'm the kind of person that will watch a sport that I have never watched before at least once. Soccer can be very intense. You have players doing all type of moves to try to score on the goalie. The footwork and passing is impressive too. Germany routed Brazil 7-1 in 2014 to win the World Cup. I heard the update on ESPN radio because I don't have ESPN on TV. I have not watched much soccer games. I was glad to hear that Germany won that year though. Brazil have won 5 World Cups but Brazil wins would lead to the 2014 controversy. I will have the link up.

Payback for the Milwaukee bucks trading Dirk Nowitzki

The Milwaukee Bucks selected this German forward at 7'0" #9 overall in the NBA draft in Dirk Nowitzki but traded him to the Dallas Mavericks  for Robert (Tractor) Traylor . Nowitzki has hit 20 game winning shots in his 19 year career in the NBA so far. Nowitzki has been to 2 NBA Finals, both times against the Miami Heat in 2006 & 2011 winning an NBA Championship with the Dallas Mavericks in 2011 and was named NBA finals Most Valuable Player (MVP). Nowitzki game reminds me of Larry Bird in that Nowitzki can beat you with the mid range jump shot or 3-pointer like bird or he could hit clutch free throws when the game is on the line like Bird. Nowitzki is known for hitting off balance shots with defenders all over him especially to beat the shot clock with 1 second left. When Nowitzki decides to retire he will be another one of the 50 greatest NBA players to retire staying with the NBA team he started his career with. Nowitzki took a pay cut to retire as a Dallas Mavericks p

German Shepherd

German Shepherd a loyal, active, and excellent guard dog for Advanced Trainers Origin of Germany, these very active breed of dogs in German Shepherds are popular pets in the US. These breed of dogs are very loyal and easily trained. German Shepherds are often used as service dogs, seeing eye dogs, and K-9's on the police force. These breeds of dogs are very well disciplined and very intelligent and know when to attack when taking down criminals who are drug dealers and criminals who use drugs when the cops can't catch the criminals on foot. German Shepherds are of different colors. The common colors that I've seen owners walking their German Shepherds are gold, saddle, black, and white. German Shepherds are arguably one of the breeds of dogs that can take down Pitbulls in a dog fight if they had to defend themselves against such dog attacks. German Shepherds are good family-oriented breeds of dogs that are really good with babies and kids. German Sheph

Top 10 Must-See German Tourist Attractions

There is a lot of interesting places to travel in Germany from watching this video on YouTube. I heard Germany is beautiful! Germany is on my places that I want to travel out of the country to list. I would like to see the Berlin wall and what it looked like before it was torn down. I'm sure the pics are there when it was built in 1961 and torn down in 1989. I would also like to see what the Berlin wall look like now. People who move out of the US have moved to Germany. Learning how to speak German fluently would be really good too!  

Breaking News: Angela Merkel's Victory Speech. #GermanElection #Breaking...

Chancellor Angela Merkel win German Election. I believe that is Chancellor Merkel's 4th Consecutive win as Chancellor. Chancellor Merkel is in the Christian Democratic Union. This is a Conservative Democratic Party that have been far-right for so long have moved in the center. Chancellor Merkel have changed her views to the center with her pro-choice stance on abortion and have been against same-sex marriage allowed a free vote that helped legalized same-sex marriage in Germany.